From May 10-16, 2015, Mr. Lam Nguyen Hai Long, president of VNITO Alliance, has arrived Japan as a head of Vietnam delegation over 32 delegates representing for 14 ITO companies: QTSC, Beetsoft, ISB Vietnam, SaigonTech, TMA Solutions, IMT Solutions, Global Cybersoft (Vietnam), NASHTECH, Sunrise Software Solutions, HPB, Splus Software, SaigonTel, Dirox, Starboard Asia.
The purpose of this trip is to approach Japanese market, expand cooperation, attract Japanese companies invest in Vietnam and cooperate with Vietnamese ITO companies.
Main activities of the delegation in Japan are:
- Visit Japan IT Week Spring (May 11 – 13) with 12 IT exhibitors ( SODEC, ESEC, IoT/ M2M, Web – Mo, IST, DSE, CLOUD, Big Data, Smartphone, C- PEX , etc.)
- Organize Vietnam IT Overview seminar at Tokyo Big Sight (May 11)
- Join the networking with Japanese companies in Yokohama (May 12), organized by Jetro Yokohama.
- Technical tour to Japanese corporations: Rakuten, Fujitsu (May 12)
- Visit Knowledge Capital in Osaka (May 16)
- Join business matching session with Japanese IT enterprises in Osaka (May 16), organized by Osaka IBPC.
VNITO Delegation depart to in Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan.
This is the first promotion program of VNITO Alliance to abroad since its establishment (2016 March), and have been very supported by member companies. In this October, VNITO Alliance is going to organize the promotion program to the U.S.A, which will take place in U.S. cities (Bay Area, Los Angeles, Dallas/Houston, New York/Boston/Virginia), with a lot of activities: join IT conference/exhibitors, organize seminar introducing about Vietnam ITO, business matching, technical tour to high tech park, incubators zone, etc.